Investors, want to make a return, sometimes we forget that when writing out plans and pitches. Yes, they are interested in your product and all the detail. However, it’s the business model they want to understand.
Far too many people I meet sell me the product, not the business. You are there to communicate what your business is about, how it makes money, what cash you need and how will you use it? What are your costs and assumptions behind your income projections?
Where do you start? Try doing some research on potential investors. They are all different and you should read the small print before accepting any offer. The competition is tough, and typically only around 1 in 10 get the capital they need. Don’t think it’s easier as an existing company; it makes no difference, except if you are a startup you have more to prove.
Whatever you do and no matter what your business does the key to raising loans, venture capital or Angel cash is the same, communication. You should have at least a 5 year plan based on a clear strategy.
Sadly, so many plans and presentations I sit through fail to ‘sell’ it to me. I don't know your business; what’s obvious to you is not obvious to me and yes, the detail matters. How you run the business and the team makes the difference between success and failure.
Some tips:
1. Know your business model
2. Understand the roles in the business and management team
3. Keep the plan short but detailed; 20 pages is enough plus an appendix
4. Explain all assumptions you make on the market, sales and growth
5. Back up all you say with data to help prove it’s possible
6. Be clear and concise; don't use complicated language
7. Know your finances and how cash comes in and out, in detail
8. Tell the story of the business - but this is not an essay competition.
Be sure you understand how it all, including my loan or equity investment, fits into your business. What do you need the money for and how you will give me a return?
Good luck and why not drop me a line?